(47 resultados)

    Fecha de venta : 11/07/2018
    País : Reino Unido

    Bonhams #24787 - 2018-07 - Fine Clocks
    London, New Bond Street
    ID Lote : 6
    • GBP
    • EUR
    • USD
    Vendido :
    • 3125
    • 3565
    • 5000

    A good late 19th century giant carriage clock and numbered key

    Ver la descripción de nuestro experto

    Marca : Drocourt
    Modelo : Drocourt autres horlogerie

    Categoría : Reloj
    Reloj ID : KEY
    Color de la esfera : Blanco

    Descripción : Drocourt for J.W. Benson;The gilt brass cannelée case with ripple moulded handle over the large top glass, over glazed sides and moulded base, the signed 3 inch Arabic enamel dial with spade hands, set within an elaborate pierced and engraved gilt mask, formed of foliate scrolls centred on a chalice, the substantial signed two train spring barrel movement with large silvered lever platform escapement and bimetallic balance. 22cm (8.75in)

    Fecha de venta : 27/06/2015
    País : RAE de Hong Kong (China)

    Antiquorum #292 - 2015-06 - Important Modern Vintage Timepieces
    Hong Kong
    ID Lote : 79
    • HKD
    • EUR
    • USD
    Vendido :
    • 46250
    • 4246
    • 5952
    Estimación :
    • 37000 - 62000
    • 3397 - 5692
    • 4762 - 7979

    DROCOURT GRANDE PETITE SONNERIE.CARRIAGE CLOCK RETAILED BY TIFFANY.Drocourt, No. 8741, retailed by Tiffany Co., New York. Made.circa 1890..Very fine, engraved gilt brass, grande and petite sonnerie.striking and repeating, 8 day-going carriage clock wi

    Ver la descripción de nuestro experto

    Marca : Drocourt
    Modelo : Drocourt autres horlogerie

    Categoría : Reloj
    Período : 19thx
    Reloj ID : 8741
    Materia de la caja de reloj : Latón
    Complicaciones : Alarma/Despertador

    Fecha de venta : 10/12/2013
    País : Estados Unidos

    Sothebys #9055 - 2013-12 - Important Watches
    New York
    ID Lote : 32
    • USD
    • EUR
    • USD
    Vendido :
    • 3750
    • 2675
    • 3750
    Estimación :
    • 3000 - 5000
    • 2140 - 3566
    • 3000 - 5000


    Ver la descripción de nuestro experto

    Marca : Drocourt
    Modelo : Drocourt autres horlogerie

    Categoría : Reloj
    Materia de la caja de reloj : Latón
    Complicaciones : Alarma/Despertador


    Fecha de venta : 23/11/2013
    País : RAE de Hong Kong (China)

    Bonhams #20962 - 2013-11 - Modern wristwatches and clocks
    Hong Kong
    ID Lote : 1319
    • HKD
    • EUR
    • USD
    Vendido :
    • 75000
    • 6885
    • 9653

    A rare and unusual late 19th century French carriage clock for the Chinese market

    Ver la descripción de nuestro experto

    Marca : Drocourt
    Modelo : Drocourt autres horlogerie

    Categoría : Reloj
    Reloj ID : 21211 TWISTED
    Forma de la caja de reloj : Cuadrado
    Color de la esfera : Blanco
    Complicaciones : Alarma/Despertador

    Descripción : Drocourt number 21211 The twisted square section rod case with conforming hinged handle over embossed cloissone enamel side panels, one side depicting a man, the other a woman, each in Eastern attire and in low relief on a white ground, the polychrome enamel dial with Chinese numerals and subsidiary alarm dial, decorated with a vase of prunus blossom and a rat, the signed and numbered two train spring barrel movement with silvered lever plaform escapement, striking on a single coiled steel gong. 18.5cm (7.25in)

    Fecha de venta : 23/11/2013
    País : RAE de Hong Kong (China)

    Bonhams #20962 - 2013-11 - Modern wristwatches and clocks
    Hong Kong
    ID Lote : 1390
    • HKD
    • EUR
    • USD
    Vendido :
    • 102500
    • 9410
    • 13192

    A fine late 19th century French grande sonnerie carriage clock for the Chinese market

    Ver la descripción de nuestro experto

    Marca : Drocourt
    Modelo : Drocourt autres horlogerie

    Categoría : Reloj
    Reloj ID : 30267 RICHE
    Complicaciones : Alarma/Despertador, Segundero central

    Descripción : Drocourt, number 30267 The Anglaise Riche champlevé enamel case of characteristic design, enriched with finely executed red, blue and green foliate and floral motifs on a turquoise ground, the white enamel Roman and Arabic dial with centre seconds and spade hands, over the subsidiary alarm dial, the signed twin train spring barrel movement with silvered lever platform escapement striking and repeating the hours and quarters on two bells, controlled by a three position selection lever marked Striking, Silent and Full striking respectively. 20cm (8in)

    Fecha de venta : 23/11/2013
    País : RAE de Hong Kong (China)

    Bonhams #20962 - 2013-11 - Modern wristwatches and clocks
    Hong Kong
    ID Lote : 1357
    • HKD
    • EUR
    • USD
    Sin vender
    • ...
    • ...
    • ...
    Estimación :
    • 50000 - 75000
    • 4590 - 6885
    • 6435 - 9653

    A late 19th century French porcelain mounted Chinese market miniature carriage timepiece

    Ver la descripción de nuestro experto

    Marca : Drocourt

    Categoría : Reloj
    Reloj ID : 32542 ONE PIECE
    Materia de la caja de reloj : Acero
    Forma de la caja de reloj : Rectángulo
    Color de la esfera : Beis

    Descripción : Drocourt, Paris, number 32542 The one piece case of rectangular form, surmounted by a hinged handle and raised on a moulded base with bracket feet, the sides each set with a pale yellow ground panel with enamel birds and insects amongst foliate boughs, the dial of conforming design with Chinese numerals, the signed single train movement with silvered lever platform escapement. 10cm (4in)

    Fecha de venta : 11/11/2012
    País : Suiza

    Antiquorum #267 - 2012-11 - Important Modern and Vintage Timepieces
    ID Lote : 306
    • CHF
    • EUR
    • USD
    Vendido :
    • 16250
    • 18579
    • 13258
    Estimación :
    • 9000 - 13000
    • 7343 - 10607
    • 10290 - 14863

    NAPOLEON III CARRIAGE CLOCK.Attributed to Drocourt, Paris, No. 3166. Made circa 1870..Fine and rare, large, ormolu and Sevres-style porcelain mounted, 8-day going, hour and half-hour striking carriage clock with.repeating and alarm..To be sold without res

    Ver la descripción de nuestro experto

    Marca : Drocourt
    Modelo : Drocourt autres horlogerie

    Categoría : Reloj
    Período : Siglo dieciocho
    Reloj ID : 3166
    Forma de la caja de reloj : Otros
    Dimensiones : 21X14.2X13 cm
    Complicaciones : Alarma/Despertador

    Descripción : C. Gilt-brass, rococo, deeply cast and chased with scrolls and fl owers, a putto on each corner, cresting of two putti supporting a.shield, glazed aperture in the top for viewing the escapement, hinged handle with cornucopia brackets, four Sevres-style fl orally.painted panels around the base, the sides set with panels depicting young couples in landscapes in 18th century dress within.Royal blue and gilt borders, sliding back door..D. Sevres-style porcelain to match the case with radial Roman numerals, outer dot minute divisions on a white ground, alarm.setting dial below, Royal ble and gilt border. Steel Breguet hands..M. Rectangular brass with four pillars, going barrels for both trains, lateral lever escapement on a frosted silvered platform.bimetallic compensation balance, blued steel fl at balance spring, index regulator, striking on a bell, separate train for the alarm.with further hammer. Dim. 21 x 14.2 x 13 cm.

    Fecha de venta : 20/06/2012
    País : Reino Unido

    Bonhams #20100 - 2012-06 - Fine Clocks
    New Bond Street
    ID Lote : 5
    • GBP
    • EUR
    • USD
    Vendido :
    • 1250
    • 1426
    • 2000

    A rare late 19th century French brass giant gorge-cased striking and repeating carriage clock with original numbered key Made by Drocourt, retailed by J.W. Benson, Ludgate Hill, London, number 29259 2

    Ver la descripción de nuestro experto

    Marca : Drocourt
    Modelo : Drocourt autres horlogerie

    Categoría : Reloj
    Reloj ID : KEY

    Descripción : Made by Drocourt, retailed by J.W. Benson, Ludgate Hill, London, number 29259 The ripple-moulded handle over a large bevelled glazed panel and sides to a moulded base bearing the engraving 'GL 1896' in stylised floral lettering, the twin train movement with very large silvered lever platform escapement striking and repeating on a coiled gong (strike train in need of attention), the signed cream Arabic dial with blued steel hands within a pierced and engraved mask of a central urn amid floral scrolls, sold together with the original over-sized double-ended key. 20.5cms (8.5ins) high. (2)

    Fecha de venta : 13/05/2012
    País : Suiza

    Antiquorum #262 - 2012-05 - Important Modern Vintage Timepieces
    ID Lote : 174
    • CHF
    • EUR
    • USD
    Vendido :
    • 4625
    • 3774
    • 5288
    Estimación :
    • 4000 - 6000
    • 3264 - 4895
    • 4573 - 6860

    DROCOURT MINIATURE CARRIAGE CLOCK WITH.PORCELAIN PANELS.Drocourt, French, No. 21554. Made in the Eastern taste.circa 1890..Fine and rare, miniature gilt brass and painted porcelain.8-day going carriage clock.

    Ver la descripción de nuestro experto

    Marca : Drocourt
    Modelo : Drocourt autres horlogerie

    Categoría : Reloj
    Reloj ID : 21554
    Materia de la caja de reloj : Oro amarillo
    Forma de la caja de reloj : Rectángulo
    Color de la esfera : Blanco

    Descripción : C. Multi-piece, Bamboo, gilt-brass, the sides and back.door set with porcelain panels decorated with painted.scenes of Bedouin on horseback and a townscape, hinged.bamboo handle..D. Porcelain with radial Arabic numerals, outer minute.divisions, the dial mask decorated to match the case with.a landscape. Blued steel spade and lozenge hands..M. Rectangular brass plates, going barrel, lateral lever.escapement on a silvered platform, notched bimetallic.compensation balance with temperature adjustment.screws, blued steel fl at balance spring, index regulator..Movement punched with Drocourt’s trademark..Dim. 79.5 x 46 x 54 mm. Excluding handle

    Fecha de venta : 06/12/2011
    País : Estados Unidos

    Sothebys #N08772 - 2011-12 - Important Watches Clocks
    New York
    ID Lote : 96
    • USD
    • EUR
    • USD
    Vendido :
    • 5000
    • 3566
    • 5000
    Estimación :
    • 5000 - 7000
    • 3566 - 4992
    • 5000 - 7000


    Ver la descripción de nuestro experto

    Marca : Drocourt
    Modelo : Drocourt autres horlogerie

    Categoría : Reloj
    Período : 19thx
    Reloj ID : 11926
    Movimiento : Otros
    Materia de la caja de reloj : Latón
    Complicaciones : Alarma/Despertador

    Descripción : Dial with wear to signature, case with minor surface wear, movement running but requires cleaning and overhaul, key not included, striking particularly beautiful, great example.
    Drocourt : Drocourt autres horlogerie
    Fecha de venta : 13/11/2011
    País : Suiza

    Antiquorum #256 - 2011-11 - Important Modern and Vintage Timepieces
    ID Lote : 70

    DROCOURT CHAMPLEVE ENAMEL.CARRIAGE CLOCK.Drocourt, No. 7561. Made in France, circa 1880..Fine, gilt brass and champlev_ enamel, 8-day going, hour and.half-hour striking carriage clock with repeat and alarm.

    Ver la descripción de nuestro experto

    Marca : Drocourt
    Modelo : Drocourt autres horlogerie

    Categoría : Reloj
    Período : 19thx
    Reloj ID : 7561
    Materia de la caja de reloj : Latón
    Forma de la caja de reloj : Redondo
    Complicaciones : Alarma/Despertador

    Descripción : C. Multi-piece, gorge, engraved and inlaid with blue.and white champlevé enamel, the sides and top glazed.back door with shuttered winding and setting holes.hinged handle..D. Circular white enamel with radial Roman numerals.outer minute track, white enamel alarm setting dial with.radial Arabic numerals, gilt mask engraved and inlaid.with champlevé enamel to match the case. Blued steel.Breguet hands..M. Rectangular brass plates, going barrels for the going.and striking trains, barrel for the alarm train, lateral lever.escapement on a large silvered platform, notched bimetallic.compensation balance with temperature and meantime.adjustment screws, blued steel fl at balance spring, index.regulator, striking and repeating on a gong..Movement punched with Drocourt’s trademark..Dim. 13.7 x 8.2 x 9.5 cm. excluding handle.
    Drocourt : Drocourt autres horlogerie
    Fecha de venta : 13/11/2011
    País : Suiza

    Antiquorum #256 - 2011-11 - Important Modern and Vintage Timepieces
    ID Lote : 68

    DROCOURT CHAMPLEVE ENAMEL.CARRIAGE CLOCK.Drocourt, No. 11786. Made in France, circa 1870..Fine, gilt brass and champlev_ enamel, 8-day going, hour and.half-hour striking carriage clock with repeat and alarm.

    Ver la descripción de nuestro experto

    Marca : Drocourt
    Modelo : Drocourt autres horlogerie

    Categoría : Reloj
    Período : 19thx
    Reloj ID : 11786
    Materia de la caja de reloj : Oro amarillo
    Forma de la caja de reloj : Redondo
    Color de la esfera : Esmalte
    Complicaciones : Alarma/Despertador

    Descripción : C. Multi-piece, cannelee, foliate and fl ower engraved.plaque on the base inscribed Presented by the Calpe Hunt.to their late Treasurer, P. S. Reid, Esq, R.E., Gibraltar 1874.the side panels inlaid with blue, white and green champlevé.enamel, the back and top glazed, hinged handle..D. Champleve enamel with brushed gilt chapter ring with.radial Roman numerals, outer minute track, brushed gilt.alarm setting dial with radial Arabic numerals. Blued steel.spade hands..M. Rectangular brass plates, going barrels for the going.and striking trains, barrel for the alarm train, lateral lever.escapement on a large silvered platform, notched bimetallic.compensation balance with temperature and meantime.adjustment screws, blued steel fl at balance spring, index.regulator, striking and repeating on a gong..Movement punched with Drocourt’s trademark..Dim. 13.7 x 8.2 x 9.5 cm. excluding handle.
    Drocourt : Drocourt autres horlogerie
    Fecha de venta : 13/11/2011
    País : Suiza

    Antiquorum #256 - 2011-11 - Important Modern and Vintage Timepieces
    ID Lote : 60

    DROCOURT CARRIAGE CLOCK WITH PORCELAIN.PANELS _ VIEWS OF CONSTANTINOPLE.Drocourt, French, No. 21201. Made in the Eastern taste.circa 1890..Fine, unusual and rare, gilt brass and painted porcelain.8-day going, hour and half-hour striking carriage clock wit

    Ver la descripción de nuestro experto

    Marca : Drocourt
    Modelo : Drocourt autres horlogerie

    Categoría : Reloj
    Reloj ID : 21201
    Materia de la caja de reloj : Porcelena
    Forma de la caja de reloj : Rectángulo
    Color de la esfera : Verde
    Complicaciones : Alarma/Despertador

    Descripción : C. Multi-piece, Bamboo, gilt-brass, the sides and back door.set with porcelain panels decorated with fi nely painted scenes.of life in Constantinople, hinged handle..D. Porcelain with radial Arabic numerals within white giltedged.cartouches, outer minute track, alarm-setting dial.below, the dial mask decorated to match the case with a view.of the Blue Mosque on the Bosphorus with palm trees in the.foreground. Eastern-style gilt-brass hands..M. Rectangular brass plates, going barrels for both trains.lateral lever escapement on a silvered platform, notched.bimetallic compensation balance with temperature.adjustment screws, blued steel fl at balance spring, index.regulator, striking and repeating on a gong, separate train for.the alarm..Movement punched with Drocourt’s trademark..Dim. 15.5 x 10.5 x 9 cm. Excluding handle.
    Drocourt : Drocourt autres horlogerie
    Fecha de venta : 27/03/2011
    País : Suiza

    Antiquorum #249 - 2011-03 - Important Modern Vintage Timepieces
    ID Lote : 277

    Drocourt - Grande Petite Sonnerie.Calendar.Drocourt, No. 11931. Made in France, circa 1880..Very fine, gilt brass, 8-day going, Grand and Petite Sonnerie.striking and repeating carriage clock with calendar and alarm.

    Ver la descripción de nuestro experto

    Marca : Drocourt
    Modelo : Drocourt autres horlogerie

    Categoría : Reloj
    Período : 19thx
    Reloj ID : 11931
    Materia de la caja de reloj : Latón
    Forma de la caja de reloj : Redondo
    Complicaciones : Alarma/Despertador, Calendario, Fecha

    Descripción : C. Multi-piece, gorge, entirely engraved with foliage and.flowers, the sides and top glazed, hinged handle..D. Circular white enamel with radial Roman numerals, outer.minute track and Arabic five-minute numerals, white enamel.alarm setting and day and date calendar dials below, gilt.mask engraved with flowers and scrolls. Blued steel Breguet.hands..M. Rectangular brass plates, going barrels for the going.and striking trains, barrel for the alarm train, lateral lever.escapement on a large silvered platform, notched bimetallic.compensation balance with temperature and meantime.adjustment screws, blued steel flat balance spring, index.regulator, striking and repeating on two gongs with two.hammers, strike selection lever in the base..Movement punched with Drocourt’s trademark..Dim. 13.7 x 8.2 x 9.5 cm..Property of a French Collector
    Drocourt : Drocourt autres horlogerie
    Fecha de venta : 27/03/2011
    País : Suiza

    Antiquorum #249 - 2011-03 - Important Modern Vintage Timepieces
    ID Lote : 262

    Drocourt Grande.Petite Sonnerie Oval.Carriage Clock.with Calendar.Drocourt, No. 13211, retailed by Galliot.Geneva. Made in France, circa 1880..Very fine and rare, oval, gilt brass, 8-day.going, grande and petite sonnerie.striking and repeating carriage cl

    Ver la descripción de nuestro experto

    Marca : Drocourt
    Modelo : Drocourt autres horlogerie

    Categoría : Reloj
    Período : 19thx
    Reloj ID : 13211
    Materia de la caja de reloj : Latón
    Forma de la caja de reloj : Oval
    Color de la esfera : Esmalte
    Complicaciones : Alarma/Despertador, Calendario, Fecha

    Descripción : C. Multi-piece, oval, gilt, engraved.throughout with foliage, the sides and.top glazed, plain columns, moulded base.hinged curved handle..D. White enamel with radial black.Roman numerals, outer minute track.and Arabic five-minute numerals, alarm.setting, date and days of the week dials.below, foliate engraved gilt dial mask..Blued steel Breguet hands..M. Rectangular brass plates, going.barrels for the going and striking trains.further barrel for the alarm train, lateral.lever escapement on a matte platform.notched bimetallic compensation.balance, blued steel flat balance spring.index regulator, striking and repeating.with two hammers on two gongs.grande sonnerie/petite sonnerie and.silence selection lever in the base..Movement punched with Drocourt’s.trademark, dial signed by the retailer..Dim. 14.3 x 12.4 x 10.2 cm..excluding handle.Property of a French Collector
    Drocourt : Drocourt autres horlogerie
    Fecha de venta : 13/11/2010
    País : Suiza

    Antiquorum #242 - 2010-11 - Important Modern and Vintage Timepieces.
    ID Lote : 261

    Drocourt - Grande Petite Sonnerie.Drocourt, No. 7039. Made in France, circa 1880..Fine, gilt brass, 8-day going, Grand and Petite Sonnerie.striking carriage clock with repeat and alarm.

    Ver la descripción de nuestro experto

    Marca : Drocourt
    Modelo : Drocourt autres horlogerie

    Categoría : Otros
    Período : 19thx
    Reloj ID : 7039
    Materia de la caja de reloj : Latón
    Forma de la caja de reloj : Redondo
    Complicaciones : Alarma/Despertador

    Descripción : C. Multi-piece, gorge, entirely engraved with foliage and.flowers, the sides and top glazed, hinged handle cast with.flowers..d. Circular white enamel with radial Roman numerals.outer minute track and Arabic five-minute numerals, white.enamel alarm setting dial with radial Arabic numerals, gilt.mask engraved with flowers and scrolls. Blued steel Breguet.hands..M. Rectangular brass plates, going barrels for the going.and striking trains, barrel for the alarm train, lateral lever.escapement on a large silvered platform, notched bimetallic.compensation balance with temperature and meantime.adjustment screws, blued steel flat balance spring, index.regulator, striking and repeating on two gongs with two.hammers, strike selection lever in the base..Movement punched with Drocourt’s trademark..Dim. 13.7 x 8.2 x 9.5 cm.
    Drocourt : Drocourt autres horlogerie
    Fecha de venta : 13/11/2010
    País : Suiza

    Antiquorum #242 - 2010-11 - Important Modern and Vintage Timepieces.
    ID Lote : 262

    Drocourt - Grande Petite Sonnerie.Drocourt, No. 28483. Made in France, circa 1880..Fine, gilt brass, 8-day going, Grand and Petite Sonnerie.striking carriage clock with repeat and alarm.

    Ver la descripción de nuestro experto

    Marca : Drocourt
    Modelo : Drocourt autres horlogerie

    Categoría : Otros
    Período : 19thx
    Reloj ID : 28483
    Materia de la caja de reloj : Nácar
    Forma de la caja de reloj : Redondo
    Color de la esfera : Blanco
    Complicaciones : Alarma/Despertador

    Descripción : C. Multi-piece, gorge, polished, the sides and top glazed.hinged handle..d. Circular, mother-of-pearl with radial red Roman numerals.outer minute divisions, mother-of-pearl alarm setting dial.with radial red Arabic numerals, matte gilt mask. Blued steel.Spade hands..M. Rectangular brass plates, going barrels for the going.and striking trains, barrel for the alarm train, lateral lever.escapement on a large silvered platform, cut bimetallic.compensation balance with temperature and meantime.adjustment screws, blued steel Breguet balance spring with.overcoil, index regulator, striking and repeating on two.gongs with two hammers, strike selection lever in the base..Movement punched with Drocourt’s trademark..Dim. 14 x 8.7 x 9.8 cm.
    Drocourt : Drocourt autres horlogerie
    Fecha de venta : 03/10/2009
    País : Suiza

    Antiquorum #221 - 2009-10 - Important Collectors’ Wristwatches, Pocket Watches, Clocks Horological Tools
    ID Lote : 313

    Drocourt, No. 7076. Made in France, circa 1890..Fine, oval, gilt brass, 8-day going, hour and halfhour.striking and repeating carriage clock with alarm..To be sold without reserve

    Ver la descripción de nuestro experto

    Marca : Drocourt
    Modelo : Drocourt autres horlogerie

    Categoría : Otros
    Período : 19thx
    Reloj ID : 7076
    Materia de la caja de reloj : Latón
    Forma de la caja de reloj : Oval
    Color de la esfera : Esmalte
    Complicaciones : Alarma/Despertador

    Descripción : C. Multi-piece, oval, gilt, engraved throughout with foliate.scrolls, the sides and top glazed, plain columns, moulded base.hinged scroll handle. D. White enamel with radial black Roman.numerals, outer minute track and Arabic five-minute numerals.alarm setting dial with Arabic numerals. Blued steel Breguet.hands. M. Rectangular brass plates, going barrels for the going.and striking trains, further barrel for the alarm train, lateral lever.escapement on a silvered platform, notched bimetallic compensation.balance, flat balance spring, index regulator, striking and.repeating on a bell..Movement punched with Drocourt’s trademark..Dim. 13 x 10 x 11.2 cm. Excluding handle.
    Drocourt : Drocourt autres horlogerie
    Fecha de venta : 19/05/2009
    País : Reino Unido

    Bonhams #16793 - 2009-05 - Clocks, Watches Barometers
    ID Lote : 229

    Two late 19th century French carriage timepieces by Drocourt

    Ver la descripción de nuestro experto

    Marca : Drocourt
    Modelo : Drocourt autres horlogerie

    Categoría : Otros
    Reloj ID : 22543 27171 FIRST
    Color de la esfera : Esmalte

    Descripción : Numbered 22543 and 27171 The first with gilt brass cannelee case, white enamel dial with Roman numerals and moon hands to the single barrelled timepiece movement with silvered lever platform escapement, the second in a corniche case with Roman numerals and outer Arabic five-minute markers, moon hands, single barrelled movement with silvered lever platform escapement 15cm (6in) high. (2)
    Drocourt : Drocourt autres horlogerie
    Fecha de venta : 10/05/2009
    País : Suiza

    Antiquorum #214 - 2009-05 - Important Collectors Watches, Pocket Watches Clocks
    ID Lote : 104

    Petite Sonnerie.Drocourt, No. 10625. Made in France, circa 1890..Fine, gilt brass, 8-day going, Petite Sonnerie striking carriage.clock with repeat and alarm..To be sold without reserve

    Ver la descripción de nuestro experto

    Marca : Drocourt
    Modelo : Drocourt autres horlogerie

    Categoría : Otros
    Período : 19thx
    Reloj ID : 10625
    Materia de la caja de reloj : Latón
    Forma de la caja de reloj : Redondo
    Complicaciones : Alarma/Despertador

    Descripción : C. Multi-piece, gorge, entirely engraved with foliage, the.sides and top glazed, hinged handle. D. Circular white enamel.with radial Roman numerals, outer minute track and Arabic fiveminute.numerals, white enamel alarm setting dial with radial.Arabic numerals, gilt mask engraved with flowers and foliage..Blued steel Breguet hands. M. Rectangular brass plates, going.barrels for the going and striking trains, barrel for the alarm.train, lateral lever escapement on a large silvered platform.notched bimetallic compensation balance with temperature and.meantime adjustment screws, blued steel flat balance spring.index regulator, striking and repeating on two gongs with two.hammers, strike selection lever in the base..Movement punched with Drocourt’s trademark..Dim. 13.7 x 8.2 x 9.5 cm.
    Drocourt : Drocourt autres horlogerie
    Fecha de venta : 10/05/2009
    País : Suiza

    Antiquorum #214 - 2009-05 - Important Collectors Watches, Pocket Watches Clocks
    ID Lote : 105

    Grande Petite Sonnerie.Drocourt, No. 7039. Made in France, circa 1880..Fine, gilt brass, 8-day going, Grand and Petite Sonnerie.striking carriage clock with repeat and alarm.

    Ver la descripción de nuestro experto

    Marca : Drocourt
    Modelo : Drocourt autres horlogerie

    Categoría : Otros
    Período : 19thx
    Reloj ID : 7039
    Materia de la caja de reloj : Latón
    Forma de la caja de reloj : Redondo
    Complicaciones : Alarma/Despertador

    Descripción : C. Multi-piece, gorge, entirely engraved with foliage and.flowers, the sides and top glazed, hinged handle cast with.flowers. D. Circular white enamel with radial Roman numerals.outer minute track and Arabic five-minute numerals, white.enamel alarm setting dial with radial Arabic numerals, gilt mask.engraved with flowers and scrolls. Blued steel Breguet hands..M. Rectangular brass plates, going barrels for the going and.striking trains, barrel for the alarm train, lateral lever escapement.on a large silvered platform, notched bimetallic compensation.balance with temperature and meantime adjustment.screws, blued steel flat balance spring, index regulator, striking.and repeating on two gongs with two hammers, strike selection.lever in the base..Movement punched with Drocourt’s trademark..Dim. 13.7 x 8.2 x 9.5 cm.
    Drocourt : Drocourt autres horlogerie
    Fecha de venta : 10/05/2009
    País : Suiza

    Antiquorum #214 - 2009-05 - Important Collectors Watches, Pocket Watches Clocks
    ID Lote : 107

    Grande Petite Sonnerie.Drocourt, No. 28483. Made in France, circa 1880..Fine, gilt brass, 8-day going, Grand and Petite Sonnerie.striking carriage clock with repeat and alarm.

    Ver la descripción de nuestro experto

    Marca : Drocourt
    Modelo : Drocourt autres horlogerie

    Categoría : Otros
    Período : 19thx
    Reloj ID : 28483
    Materia de la caja de reloj : Latón
    Forma de la caja de reloj : Redondo
    Color de la esfera : Rojo
    Complicaciones : Alarma/Despertador

    Descripción : C. Multi-piece, gorge, polished, the sides and top glazed.hinged handle. D. Circular, mother-of-pearl with radial red.Roman numerals, outer minute divisions, mother-of-pearl alarm.setting dial with radial red Arabic numerals, matte gilt mask..Blued steel Spade hands. M. Rectangular brass plates, going.barrels for the going and striking trains, barrel for the alarm.train, lateral lever escapement on a large silvered platform, cut.bimetallic compensation balance with temperature and meantime.adjustment screws, blued steel Breguet balance spring.index regulator, striking and repeating on two gongs with two.hammers, strike selection lever in the base..Movement punched with Drocourt’s trademark..Dim. 14 x 8.7 x 9.8 cm.
    Drocourt : Drocourt autres horlogerie
    Fecha de venta : 10/03/2009
    País : Reino Unido

    Bonhams #16751 - 2009-03 - Clocks, Watches Barometers
    ID Lote : 267

    A late 19th century French repeating carriage clock by Drocourt

    Ver la descripción de nuestro experto

    Marca : Drocourt
    Modelo : Drocourt autres horlogerie

    Categoría : Reloj
    Reloj ID : 23545
    Color de la esfera : Esmalte
    Complicaciones : Alarma/Despertador

    Descripción : Numbered 23545 The brass corniche case with white enamel dial, Roman numerals with outer Arabic five-minute markings, moon hands and alarm subsidiary, the twin barrelled gong-striking movement with silvered lever platform escapement, the clock comes in its leather bound travel case 16.5cm (6.5in) high.
    Drocourt : Drocourt autres horlogerie
    Fecha de venta : 11/11/2008
    País : Reino Unido

    Bonhams #15840 - 2008-11 - Clocks, Watches Barometers
    ID Lote : 331

    A mid to late 19th century carriage timepiece with alarm

    Ver la descripción de nuestro experto

    Marca : Drocourt
    Modelo : Drocourt autres horlogerie

    Categoría : Otros
    Materia de la caja de reloj : Oro amarillo
    Color de la esfera : Esmalte
    Complicaciones : Alarma/Despertador

    Descripción : Drocourt The gilt brass cannelee case with white enamel dial, Roman numerals and alarm subsidiary with moon hands to the signed single barrelled movement with silvered lever platform escapement, sounding the alarm on a bell 19cm (7.5in) high.
    Drocourt : Drocourt autres horlogerie
    Fecha de venta : 11/11/2008
    País : Reino Unido

    Bonhams #15840 - 2008-11 - Clocks, Watches Barometers
    ID Lote : 322

    A late 19th century French miniature carriage timepiece by Drocourt

    Ver la descripción de nuestro experto

    Marca : Drocourt
    Modelo : Drocourt autres horlogerie

    Categoría : Otros
    Reloj ID : TRAVEL
    Materia de la caja de reloj : Latón
    Color de la esfera : Esmalte

    Descripción : W. Thornhill & Co. 144-145 New Bond St. London The brass case with rounded frame and decorative handle, signed enamel dial, single barrelled movement with replacement lever platform escapement, the clock comes with its numbered travel box 8cm (3.25in) high.
    Drocourt : Drocourt autres horlogerie
    Fecha de venta : 01/07/2008
    País : Reino Unido

    Bonhams #15804 - 2008-07 - Clocks, Watches Barometers
    ID Lote : 285

    A late 19th century French repeating carriage clock by Drocourt

    Ver la descripción de nuestro experto

    Marca : Drocourt
    Modelo : Drocourt autres horlogerie

    Categoría : Reloj
    Color de la esfera : Esmalte
    Complicaciones : Alarma/Despertador

    Descripción : Retailed by J.W. Benson, Ludgate Hill, London The corniche case with signed enamel dial, Roman chapter ring with Arabic five-minute markers over subsidiary alarm dial, the twin barrelled gong-striking movement with later gilt lever platform escapement 15.5cm (6in) high.
    Drocourt : Drocourt autres horlogerie
    Fecha de venta : 04/03/2008
    País : Reino Unido

    Bonhams #15775 - 2008-03 - Clocks, Watches Barometers
    ID Lote : 327

    A mid to late 19th century French petite sonnerie repeating carriage clock with alarm

    Ver la descripción de nuestro experto

    Marca : Drocourt
    Modelo : Drocourt autres horlogerie

    Categoría : Reloj
    Color de la esfera : Esmalte
    Complicaciones : Alarma/Despertador

    Descripción : Drocourt The polished brass cannelee case with white enamel dial, with Roman chapter ring, Arabic five-minute markers over the subsidiary alarm dial, the twin barrelled gong-striking movement with silvered lever platform escapement, cut bi-metallic balance and strike silent lever to the base of the case 17cm (6.75in) high.
    Drocourt : Drocourt autres horlogerie
    Fecha de venta : 04/03/2008
    País : Reino Unido

    Bonhams #15775 - 2008-03 - Clocks, Watches Barometers
    ID Lote : 328

    A late 19th century French repeating carriage clock

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    Marca : Drocourt
    Modelo : Drocourt autres horlogerie

    Categoría : Reloj
    Reloj ID : WINDING KEY 19CM 5IN
    Color de la esfera : Esmalte

    Descripción : Drocourt, the backplate also stamped CV The gilt cannelée case with machined mask to the white enamel dial with Roman numerals and blued-steel hands to the twin-barrelled gong-striking movement with replaced lever platform escapement, the clock comes with its numbered winding key 19cm (7.5in) high.
    Drocourt : Drocourt autres horlogerie
    Fecha de venta : 06/11/2007
    País : Reino Unido

    Bonhams #14947 - 2007-11 - Clocks, Watches Barometers
    ID Lote : 229

    A mid to late 19th century French carriage timepiece with alarm

    Ver la descripción de nuestro experto

    Marca : Drocourt
    Modelo : Drocourt autres horlogerie

    Categoría : Otros
    Materia de la caja de reloj : Oro amarillo
    Complicaciones : Alarma/Despertador

    Descripción : Drocourt The gilt canellee case with shaped handle, white enamel Roman dial with alarm subsidiary and blued-steel moon hands to the stamped movement with silvered lever platform escapement and alarm train striking on a bell 18.5cm (7.25in) high.
    Drocourt : Drocourt autres horlogerie
    Fecha de venta : 11/09/2007
    País : Reino Unido

    Bonhams #14934 - 2007-09 - Clocks, Watches Barometers
    ID Lote : 215

    A rare late 19th century French sub-miniature quarter repeating carriage clock by Drocourt

    Ver la descripción de nuestro experto

    Marca : Drocourt
    Modelo : Drocourt autres horlogerie

    Categoría : Reloj
    Movimiento : Otros
    Materia de la caja de reloj : Oro amarillo

    Descripción : The gilt brass gorge case with frosted-gilt mask to the ivorine dial with Arabic numerals and blued steel hands to the twin barrel movement surmounted by a silvered lever platform escapement with cut compensated bi-metallic balance, striking the hours and half hours and repeating the quarters on two gongs with strike/silent lever to the base, together with a leather-bound travel box and key 11.5cm (4.5in) high.
    Drocourt : Drocourt autres horlogerie
    Fecha de venta : 11/09/2007
    País : Reino Unido

    Bonhams #14934 - 2007-09 - Clocks, Watches Barometers
    ID Lote : 242

    A late 19th century French gilt brass repeating carriage clock by Drocourt

    Ver la descripción de nuestro experto

    Marca : Drocourt
    Modelo : Drocourt autres horlogerie

    Categoría : Reloj
    Forma de la caja de reloj : Rectángulo
    Complicaciones : Alarma/Despertador

    Descripción : Retailed by Goldsmiths Alliance Ltd, movement number 19963 Replaced lever platform escapement striking and repeating on a coiled steel gong, the white enamel rectangular Roman dial with blued steel moon hands signed for the retailers and set over the alarm subsidiary, in a re-gilded corniche case 17.5cm (16.75in) high.
    Drocourt : Drocourt autres horlogerie
    Fecha de venta : 11/09/2007
    País : Reino Unido

    Bonhams #14934 - 2007-09 - Clocks, Watches Barometers
    ID Lote : 247

    A late 19th century French repeating carriage clock by Drocourt

    Ver la descripción de nuestro experto

    Marca : Drocourt
    Modelo : Drocourt autres horlogerie

    Categoría : Reloj
    Materia de la caja de reloj : Plata

    Descripción : The silvered cannelee case with white enamel Roman dial with blued steel moon hands, twin barrel movement striking the hours and half-hours on a gong with silvered lever platform escapement 18.5cm (7.25in) high.
    Drocourt : Drocourt autres horlogerie
    Fecha de venta : 03/07/2007
    País : Reino Unido

    Bonhams #14909 - 2007-07 - Clocks, watches Barometers
    ID Lote : 317

    A turn of the 20th century French repeating carriage clock by Drocourt

    Ver la descripción de nuestro experto

    Marca : Drocourt
    Modelo : Drocourt autres horlogerie

    Categoría : Reloj
    Reloj ID : TRAVEL
    Color de la esfera : Esmalte

    Descripción : Charles Frodsham, 115 New Bond street The Anglaise riche case with three-piece handle and chamfered gilt frame to the signed enamel dial with roman numerals and blued steel hands to the twin barrel gong-striking movement with silvered lever platform escapement, the clock comes with comes with its numbered travel box 18cm (7in) high.
    Drocourt : Drocourt autres horlogerie
    Fecha de venta : 03/07/2007
    País : Reino Unido

    Bonhams #14909 - 2007-07 - Clocks, watches Barometers
    ID Lote : 321

    A late 19th century French gilt brass repeating carriage clock by Drocourt

    Ver la descripción de nuestro experto

    Marca : Drocourt
    Modelo : Drocourt autres horlogerie

    Categoría : Reloj
    Forma de la caja de reloj : Rectángulo
    Complicaciones : Alarma/Despertador

    Descripción : Retailed by Goldsmiths Alliance Ltd, movement number 19963 Replaced lever platform escapement striking and repeating on a coiled steel gong, the white enamel rectangular Roman dial with blued steel moon hands signed for the retailers and set over the alarm subsidiary, in a re-gilded corniche case 17.5cm (16.75in) high.
    Drocourt : Drocourt autres horlogerie
    Fecha de venta : 03/07/2007
    País : Reino Unido

    Bonhams #14909 - 2007-07 - Clocks, watches Barometers
    ID Lote : 312

    A good late 19th century French engraved brass carriage clock

    Ver la descripción de nuestro experto

    Marca : Drocourt
    Modelo : Drocourt autres horlogerie

    Categoría : Reloj
    Reloj ID : 11734 ENGRAVED CANNELEE
    Color de la esfera : Esmalte

    Descripción : Drocourt, number 11734 The engraved cannelee case with later handle, 2.5 inch enamel dial with Roman numerals set into an engraved gilt brass mask, moon hands to the twin barrel movement repeating and striking on a gong with silvered lever escapement 18cm (7in) high.
    Drocourt : Drocourt autres horlogerie
    Fecha de venta : 28/03/2007
    País : Estados Unidos

    Antiquorum #160 - 2007-03 - Important Collectors’ Wristwatches, Pocket Watches Clocks
    New York
    ID Lote : 69

    Grande Petite Sonnerie, Striking Repeating Bells.Drocourt, No. 8741, retailed by Tiffany Co..New York. Made circa 1890..Very fine, engraved gilt brass, grande and petite sonnerie.striking and repeating, 8 day-going carriage clock with.alarm, origina

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    Marca : Drocourt
    Modelo : Drocourt autres horlogerie

    Categoría : Otros
    Período : 19thx
    Reloj ID : 8741
    Materia de la caja de reloj : Latón
    Forma de la caja de reloj : Rectángulo
    Color de la esfera : Esmalte
    Complicaciones : Alarma/Despertador

    Descripción : C. Gilt brass, gorge, engraved with flowers and foliage, glazed.sides and back door, the top glazed to view the escapement.hinged carrying handle. D. White enamel with radial Roman.numerals, outer minute track and Arabic five-minute numerals.alarm dial below with Arabic numerals, flower and foliate.engraved gilt mask. Blued steel Breguet hands. M. Gilt brass.rectangular plates, four pillars, barrels for the going, striking and.alarm trains, straight-line lever escapement on a silvered platform.cut bimetallic compensation balance, blued steel Breguet.balance spring, index regulator, striking the hours and quarters on.two bells, striking/ silence/ full strike selection lever in the base..Dial signed by the retailer, movement with Drocourt's punched mark..Dim. Height 14 cm., width 7.5 cm.
    Drocourt : Drocourt autres horlogerie
    Fecha de venta : 13/03/2007
    País : Reino Unido

    Bonhams #14876 - 2007-03 - Clocks, Watches Barometers
    ID Lote : 264

    An late 19th century French enamel cased miniature carriage timepiece by Drocourt

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    Marca : Drocourt
    Modelo : Drocourt autres horlogerie

    Categoría : Otros
    Color de la esfera : Esmalte

    Descripción : The case with an all-over cloisonne enamel scene of two herons in a stream with flowers, a bird and dragonflies, surmounted by a gilt brass dragon and standing on an ormolu plinth with 1 inch cream enamel dial with Roman numerals and blued steel spade hands to the single barrel movement with platform lever escapement housed in its original blue travel box 8.5cm (3.25in) high.
    Drocourt : Drocourt autres horlogerie
    Fecha de venta : 07/11/2006
    País : Reino Unido

    Bonhams #13636 - 2006-11 - Clocks, Watches and Barometers
    ID Lote : 304

    A late 19th century French brass cannelee cased striking carriage clock

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    Marca : Drocourt
    Modelo : Drocourt autres horlogerie

    Categoría : Otros

    Descripción : Drocourt retailed by J.W. Benson 25 Old Bond St. The crisp canelee case with bevelled edged glasses and gilt bevelled dial surround, the gong striking movement with ratchet toothed lever platform escapement with bi-metallic balance 18.5cm (7.25in) high
    Drocourt : Drocourt autres horlogerie
    Fecha de venta : 15/10/2006
    País : Suiza

    Antiquorum #137 - 2006-10 - Important Collectors’ Wristwatches, Pocket Watches Clocks
    ID Lote : 146

    Miniature Carriage Clock.Drocourt, No. 10906/12121, retailed by Le.Roy Fils, 13 15, Palais Royal. Made.circa 1880..Fine and rare, miniature, gilt brass and champlev_ enamel.carriage clock with the original fitted case and numbered key.

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    Marca : Drocourt
    Modelo : Drocourt autres horlogerie

    Categoría : Otros
    Período : 19thx
    Reloj ID : 10906 / 12121
    Materia de la caja de reloj : Latón
    Forma de la caja de reloj : Oval

    Descripción : C. Gilt brass, cannelée, the pillars, base, sides top and handle.decorated with blue, black and white champlevé enamel stylized.foliage, oval glass in the top for viewing the escapement.hinged handle. D. Matte gilt chapter ring with radial Roman.numerals, outer minute divisions, dial mask decorated with.champlevé enamel to match the case. Blued steel spade hands..M. Gilt brass, rectangular, going barrel, lateral lever escapement.on a frosted gilt platform, bimetallic compensation balance.blued steel flat balance spring, index regulator..Movement signed..Dim. 74 x 45 x 51 mm. excluding handle.
    Drocourt : Drocourt autres horlogerie
    Fecha de venta : 19/09/2006
    País : Reino Unido

    Bonhams #13615 - 2006-09 - Clocks, Watches and Barometers
    ID Lote : 311

    A late 19th century French brass cannelee cased striking carriage clock

    Ver la descripción de nuestro experto

    Marca : Drocourt
    Modelo : Drocourt autres horlogerie

    Categoría : Otros

    Descripción : Drocourt retailed by J.W. Benson 25 Old Bond St. The crisp canelee case with bevelled edged glasses and gilt bevelled dial surround, the gong striking movement with ratchet toothed lever platform escapement with bi-metallic balance 18.5cm (7.25in) high