Take care of your watch on the beach

If for you the holidays abound with the good times, the same does not go for your watch on holiday. Sand, salt and sun are its worst enemies. In light of this summer digression, Replica Handbag and Jewelry Shopping provides the following six recommendations so as to ensure the longevity of this timekeeper that you couldn't do without.


Before leaving and thus before bathing, ask a professional to check the watch's waterproofing and the state of the casing. If necessary, the professional will proceed to replace the joints and will carry out condensation and pressure tests. The same operation is recommended every two years.


Also consider checking the state of the bracelet, both if it is leather (not ideal for the beach) or metal.


Avoid leaving your watch in the sun at all costs. Prolonged exposure could lead to irreversible deterioration.


Never swim without having locked and bolted the crown, these things should never be used under water.


After a day at the beach, as salt is corrosive, it is important to wipe the whole watch with a moist cloth or soft brush and wipe dry gently.


One last piece of advice: if sand is encrusted under the glass of your watch, do not try to do anything and take it to a watchmaker as soon as possible, who will take it apart to clean it.