Replica Handbag and Jewelry Shopping brings together a panel of experts and specialists renowned in their field, who work together to authenticate and appraise exceptional objects. Each piece is chosen for its quality and desirability to offer a permanent selection of over 15,000 objects online.

Our Service Centers

Replica Handbag and Jewelry Shopping has three service centers for the care and repair of second hand luxury jewellery, watches, and bags.
These services are reserved for all customers, buyers or sellers, before or after the sale or purchase of an item at Replica Handbag and Jewelry Shopping.

The analysis reports

Discover reviews of iconic watch models and luxury bags thanks to nearly 600,000 LuxPrice Index results.

LuxPrice-index, the first tool in the world to reach more than 600,000 results of watch and luxury bag auctions at the major international houses.

LuxPrice-index offers enthusiasts and professionals around the world the trends in the luxury market. Through unique reports created by sector professionals. Luxprice-index delivers the key to buying well and selling well.

Learn more about the LuxPrice-Index

Advice from experts

Anecdotes, advice, insider’s secrets: our experts give you the keys to buying and selling your luxury items successfully