On the occasion of Paris Fashion Week in September 2020, Replica Handbag and Jewelry Shopping is publishing a collection of images of exclusively second-hand items, in which luxury vintage pieces dialogue with contemporary pieces. Looks for today, modelled by Eléonore Léo Jeanne, appear alongside vintage cars, creating a racy chic style.
Fashion, the best kind of leftover, has always referenced past eras. Today is the time for an encounter between styles, eras and objects. Replica Handbag and Jewelry Shopping has called on the expertise of Pénélope Blanckaert, fashion designer and expert in 20th and 21st century fashion, to bring to light the recognisable connection that exists between objects from the past and contemporary fashion, creating a unique design that describes the woman of today and results in a unique look.
To create its looks, Replica Handbag and Jewelry Shopping has called on stores specialising in second-hand clothing with cutting edge stylistic positioning: Rose Market, Vintage Clothing Paris and Renaissance. The creations reveal the glamour and resonance of second-hand pieces on women today, who are, more than ever before, on a quest for freedom of expression and meaning.
To create this collection of choreographed images with their backdrop of vintage cars, in the basement of the exceptional De Widehem garage, the photographer Olivier Zahm, founder and director of the Art and Fashion magazine Purple, posed Eléonore Léo Jeanne in moments in time over 4 decades.
«“Transposing a woman of today in decades past. Evoking icons and creating a dialogue between stylistic influences. This is what this collection, Women and Influence reveals”, explains Pénélope Blanckaert.
On the occasion of Paris Fashion Week, itself in a period of change in its relationship to time, Replica Handbag and Jewelry Shopping unveils 4 unique selections of luxury objects borrowed from the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s.