€ 160,000: new sales record for Replica Handbag and Jewelry Shopping!

The year is off to a flying start for Replica Handbag and Jewelry Shopping, which in March recorded a record sale of €160,000 for a Hermès Birkin Himalaya 30cm bag in Niloticus crocodile from 2020.

This Hermès bag, one of the rarest and most prestigious in the world, takes its name from the Himalayan mountain range, whose extraordinary colours are reflected in the leather and its distinctive tanning.

"This is a first in Europe on the second-hand market, and at a fixed price at that. This new record for Replica Handbag and Jewelry Shopping testifies to the trust placed in us by both buyers and sellers, and also to the strength of our services. Each item is appraised in person by one of the members of our expert committee to provide our customers with all the necessary guarantees. This record also illustrates the growing interest in pleasure purchases, which have real investment value."

Julie Deschamps, CMO of Replica Handbag and Jewelry Shopping

This sale, which took place in the showroom at 36 boulevard Raspail less than 48 hours after it was posted online, can also be explained by the general condition of the bag: excellent condition, well-maintained leather and a 'full set' offer including all its accessories, i.e. zip, bell, diamond padlock and keys, dustbag, rain cover and box, as well as its CITES. Indispensable, this document, which accompanies exotic leather bags, is a veritable passport for handbags, providing details of the origin of the leather and enabling it to be transported internationally.

Since the 1st of January 2023, the following items have been sold online or in the showroom: a 30 cm Hermès Birkin bag in Mimosa Yellow Alligator for €59,980, a 32 cm Hermès Kelly So Black bag in black box leather for €29,950, a Patek Philippe Nautilus watch reference 5712 for €74,850 and an Van Cleef & Arpels Alhambra Sautoir in yellow gold and lapis lazuli for €24,750. Demand for these rare timepieces is growing at the start of 2023, particularly among foreign customers.

Discover over 300 Hermès Birkin bags online