Why put a padlock on a handbag?

Most Hermes bags have a padlock, and even if it is useless - as no one tends to lock their bags - its absence would leave a big void to the general appearance. Yet, what is the reason for this accessory? Jérôme Lalande, the expert in bags at Replica Handbag and Jewelry Shopping, answers our questions.

Why is there a lock on most Hermes bags?

Jérôme Lalande: Originally, Hermes luggages are intended either for sports or travel. In the same way that all trunks have a key, these Hermes bags have a padlock. When these large bags had been resized to become handbags; their codes, including their padlocks, and their proportions, were preserved.

Hermes also had some fun with these padlocks. Until a decade ago, the house created each year, according to its theme*, a simplified padlock, in limited series, purely decorative, like a mascot. It was a bit like a Charms for the handbags. It exists in silver and gold plated, they are accumulated by collectors! They are found today - albeit difficulty - around €200.

Other brands that follow this tradition?

Jérôme Lalande Louis Vuitton also puts locks on some of its bags, as well as Prada... Each time, these bags on which there are locks, are bags that originally were meant for traveling, or for sports bags, for tennis, swimming, biking, skiing, horseback riding... The top straps, inspired by the Birkin, can contain the complete kit of a rider, boots, saddle, bomb, net...

Bottega Veneta has also added some padlocks, by style only. The Speedy, which is nothing other than a small Keepall or Alma (models that are certified by Louis Vuitton) also have padlocks.

Will the lack of a padlock on a vintage bag affect the price?

Jérôme Lalande For a bag that is almost new, in mint condition, the absence of accessories such as the zipper, bell, key and padlock, is deducted. Brands sell them separately and Hermès offers its customers who have broken accessories, or have been lost, offer to redo them on command. At Hermès, simply the padlock is worth around €70, while the zipper and the bell are around €200 in leather, these elements in crocodile is around €400, notably, on crocodile bags the padlock is wrapped, also by the same crocodile material.

* Every year, Hermes sets the tone for its collections by a common theme to all the world. In 2015, the subject is Flâneur Forever, in 2014 it was Metamorphoses, in 2013 it was Suspended Time ...